Category Archive: Travel

Lighthouse serenity

Lighthouse serenity

Harwich lighthouse at sunset, HDR with Aurora.




It’s warm and wet, just as well being in the water in Cyprus.




This is an oldie from my Julie and my visit to Northern Cyprus a couple of years ago. The north is still very much untouched …


Cambodia revisited

Cambodia revisited

Started to dig through the pics I have taken over the last few years on my travels, I always fine at the time one is …




Ok so this is a bit late but hey better late than never anyways its not so much about Singapore but about my IPhone 4 …


Mount Bromo

Mount Bromo

Getting up real early to see the UNESCO temples of Borobudur near Jogjakarta, it’s about a 45 minute drive from the city centre passing some …


The state of Indonesia

The state of Indonesia

Well here we are in Indonesia and I am finding it really hard to say much of a positive nature about the place, well at …


Singapore or bust

Singapore or bust

Well been on the road now a few days and almost at the end of the first leg 🙁 has it been fun? Mmm well …




Recently returned from 10 days in the Puglia region of Italy, being very fortunate in the fact that my sister owns a rather lovely Trulli …


How did it come to this

How did it come to this

Snow in Halstead, UK So back in good old Blighty and blimey is it cold I mean only a week ago I was lazing it up …